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รุ่นแก้ไขเมื่อ 16:57, 24 มกราคม 2556 โดย Jittat (คุย | มีส่วนร่วม) (→‎Hand)
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This exercise is part of 01219343-55.

Follow the TDD steps to write these classes.


A card has a rank (A,1,...,9,10,J,Q,K) and a suit (S,H,D,C) (see suit).

Implement class Card that supports the following methods:

  • Construction with rank and suit as strings. (This might not be an efficient way to represent ranks and suits, but it simplifies the exercise.) For example:
Card card = new Card("10","S");
  • Getters: getRank and getSuit.
  • hasSameRank(Card c) that returns true when c has the same rank.
  • hasSameSuit(Card c) that returns true when c has the same suit.
  • The class should implement interface Comparable<Card> so that we can easily sort the cards. Add that interface to the class and implement a public method int compareTo(Card c).

Make sure you test these method thoroughly. When fixing a broken tast, write the simplest possible code that make the test passes.

Given a list of Cards, we want to use Collections.sort to sort the list. Make sure you have a test case that checks this requirement.

Notes: To create a list of Cards, you can use method Arrays.asList, e.g.,

List<Card> cards = Arrays.asList(new Card("10","S"), new Card("9", "D"), new Card("A","C"));


You may see yourself creating the same objects many times inside various test methods. You can put all these initialization into one method by annotating the method with @Before.

public class CardTest {

	Card S10, SA;
	public void initCards() {
		S10 = new Card("10","S");
		SA = new Card("A","S");


Use this reference of poker hands from wikipedia.

Write class PokerHand that provides the following interface.

  • Construction: you can construct a PokerHand by a list of 5 Cards. If the number of cards in the list is not 5, the constructor should raise an exception.
  • getHighestCard
  • isStraightFlush
  • isFourOfAKind
  • isFullHouse
  • isFlush
  • isStraight
  • isThreeOfAKind
  • isTwoPair
  • isOnePair
  • isNoPair

Note that while a straight flush hand contains cards with the same suit, it is not considered a flush. Any poker hand can belong to only one category.