Table of Contents

01204111 Computer and Programming: Section 450

Hours: Th 10:30 – 12:30 Room 203 (lecture), Tu 9 – 12 Room 0401 (lab)
Instructor: Jittat Fakcharoenphol (jittat at gmail dot com)


Course Information

Course description
Basic structure of modern computer systems; data representation in computers; algorithmic problem solving; program design and development methodology; introductory programming using a high-level programming language; programming practice in computer laboratory.

Course description (in other words): We will learn how to program well. Along with that, we will learn various software development practices including basic software design and testing.

Grading: Quiz 10%, Lab + lab homework 10%, Two lab examinations 20%, Midterm 30%, Final 30%

Copying and cheating policy: According to the faculty of engineering policy, those involved will be sent to the Dean for disciplinary action. Unless stated otherwise, all projects are individual assignments and are expected to be the student's own work.

Schedule and materials
