Nested sampling manual
Generally, nested sampling is used for calculating any integrals, e.g. an evidence in Bayesian model selection problems. This program will concentrate only on the problem of selecting the number of components in a Mixture of [Spherical] Gaussians (MOGs) given observed data. In this problem, the likelihood is a product of MOGs, and we assume that the prior is uniform (or truncated-log-uniform for the deviation parameter) over the parameter space.
NOTE for Oli
To test the correctness of our implementations, I also provide a simple MOGs likelihood for us [see (1.2) below]: a mixture of three spherical gaussian with , so that the integral result will be where is the number of dimensions in the parameter space.
Program parameters
Main parameters
Normally, Nested sampling is controlled by 4 main parameters:
(no default value)
This defines the number of dimensions of the parameter space .
- In our problem of learning (spherical) MOGs, where is the dimension of the data space; To visualize the result, I usually use ;
- (** just for developers**) if the likelihood is a simple MOG, I define . (see (6.2))
(default = )
The degree of extreme value distribution (Skilling, 2006; eq.(17)). This is the number of initial points for each nested sampling iteration which we can use to solve the problem of sampling from a truncated prior (My MCMCMC paper). This number also controls stability of nested sampling (greater --> more stable).
(default= )
The so-called burn-in parameter in MCMC literatures. This parameter is used to solve the problem of sampling from a truncated prior.
(default= )
The (estimated) maximum number of nested sampling iterations.
Minor parameters
test_likelihood (default [undefined])
If define, the program will switch the likelihood to a simple mixture of spherical gaussians (explained above).
walk (default 1)
determine the type of random walk
- walk = 1, use slice sampling with hyperrectangle (Neal, 2003; section 5.1)
- walk = 2, use metropolis-hasting sampler with GP-proposal (our project)
\big(if (walk = 2) \big)
we have to define this number. This defines the number of pseudo-walk using GP as an approximation of the real likelihood.
- My MCMCMC paper.
- Skilling (2006). Bayesian Statistics 8.
- Neal (2003). Slice sampling (with discussions). Annals of Statistics.
- Ramussen (2003). Bayesian Statistics 7.
- Gelman et al. (1996). Efficient Metropolis Jumping Rules. Bayesian Statistics 5.