Pygame Comparison

The Python Arcade Library has the same target audience as the well-known Pygame library. So how do they differ?

Features that the Arcade Library has that Pygame does not:

  • Supports Python 3 type hinting.
  • Thick ellipses, arcs, and circles do not have a moiré pattern.
  • Ellipses, arcs, and other shapes can be easily rotated.
  • Supports installation via standard Python package manager, using ‘pip install’
  • Uses standard coordinate system you learned about in math. (0, 0) is in the lower left, and not upper left. Y-coordinates are not reversed.
  • Has built-in physics engine for platformers.
  • Supports animated sprites.
  • API documentation for the commands is better. Many commands include unit tests right in the documentation.
  • Command names are consistent. For example, to add to a sprite list you use the add() method, like any other list in Python. Pygame uses append().
  • Parameter and command names are clearer. For example, open_window instead of set_mode.
  • Less boiler-plate code than Pygame.
  • Basic drawing does not require knowledge on how to define functions or classes or how to do loops.
  • Encourages separation of logic and display code. Pygame tends to put both into the same game loop.
  • Runs on top of OpenGL and Pyglet, rather than the old SDL1 library.
  • With the use of sprite lists, uses the acceleration of the graphics card to improve performance.
  • Lots of Example Code.

Features that Pygame has that the Arcade Library does not:

  • Python 2 support
  • Does not require OpenGL
  • Supports older hardware like cameras, cdroms, MIDI
  • Has better support for pixel manipulation in a memory buffer that isn’t displayed on screen.