01219245/trello stories and uat

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You should create a Trello board for your project.

Basic information

You should put a short information on your project, following this document 01219245/trello_setup.

You should invite me as a member of the board. My email address is jittat@hotmail.com.


Create a list called Stories.

You and your customer should develop a set of required stories. Put each story as a card in the stories list.

In the description, put the following:

  • In the title, put a short title, describing the story.
  • In the description field, first put the description of the story in the form: As a ______, I want _______, so that ___________. (as discussed in class)
  • In the comments, list of acceptance test cases for the story; one test case per one comment. Each test case should describe the steps needed to test the story and the expected results.