Various shapes for arcade games.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-few-public-methods
from typing import Iterable
from arcade.color import GREEN
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_rectangle_filled
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_ellipse_filled
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_circle_filled
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_point, draw_text
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_triangle_filled
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_polygon_filled
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_line
from arcade.draw_commands import draw_arc_outline
from arcade.arcade_types import Color
from arcade.arcade_types import PointList
[docs]class Shape:
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float,
color: Color = GREEN, tilt_angle: float = 0):
self.color = color
self.center_x = center_x
self.center_y = center_y
self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
self.change_tilt_angle = 0
[docs] def draw(self):
print("Cannot draw an object of type Shape. Use the subclasses of "
"Shape: Rectangle, etc.")
[docs] def update(self):
self.center_x += self.change_x
self.center_y += self.change_y
self.tilt_angle += self.change_tilt_angle
[docs]class Rectangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float,
width: float, height: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0, tilt_angle: float = 0):
center_x (float):
center_y (float):
width (float):
height (float):
border_width (float):
tilt_angle (float):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.border_width = border_width
self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_rectangle_filled(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.width, self.height,
self.color, self.tilt_angle)
[docs]class Square(Rectangle):
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float,
width_and_height: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0, tilt_angle: float = 0):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, width_and_height,
width_and_height, color, border_width, tilt_angle)
self.width_and_height = width_and_height
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_rectangle_filled(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.width_and_height,
self.width_and_height, self.color, self.tilt_angle)
[docs]class Ellipse(Shape):
""" Class that represents an Ellipse. """
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float,
height: float, color: Color = GREEN,
tilt_angle: float = 0):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color, tilt_angle)
self.width = width
self.height = height
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_ellipse_filled(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.width, self.height,
self.color, self.tilt_angle)
[docs]class Circle(Shape):
""" Class that represents an Circle. """
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float, radius: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.radius = radius
self.border_width = border_width
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_circle_filled(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.radius, self.color)
[docs]class Point(Shape):
""" Class that represents an Point. """
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float, size: float,
color: Color = GREEN):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.size = size
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_point(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.color, self.size)
[docs]class Text(Shape):
""" Class that represents a text label. """
def __init__(self, text: str, center_x: float, center_y: float,
size: float, color: Color = GREEN):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.size = size
self.text = text
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_text(self.text, self.center_x, self.center_y, self.color,
[docs]class Triangle(Shape):
""" Class that represents a triangle. """
def __init__(self, first_x: float, first_y: float, second_x: float,
second_y: float, third_x: float, third_y: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0):
center_x = (first_x + second_x + third_x) / 3
center_y = (first_y + second_y + third_y) / 3
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.first_x = first_x
self.first_y = first_y
self.second_x = second_x
self.second_y = second_y
self.third_x = third_x
self.third_y = third_y
self.color = color
self.border_width = border_width
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_triangle_filled(self.first_x, self.first_y,
self.second_x, self.second_y,
self.third_x, self.third_y,
[docs]class Polygon(Shape):
def __init__(self, point_list: PointList,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0):
total_x = 0
total_y = 0
for point in point_list:
total_x += point[0]
total_y += point[1]
super().__init__(total_x / len(point_list), total_y / len(point_list), color)
self.point_list = point_list
self.color = color
self.border_width = border_width
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_polygon_filled(self.point_list, self.color)
[docs] def update(self):
for point in self.point_list:
point[0] += self.change_x
point[1] += self.change_y
[docs]class Parabola(Shape):
def __init__(self, start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float,
height: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
border_width: float = 0, tilt_angle: float = 0):
super().__init__((start_x + end_x) / 2, (start_y + height) / 2, color)
self.start_x = start_x
self.start_y = start_y
self.end_x = end_x
self.height = height
self.color = color
self.border_width = border_width
self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
self.change_tilt_angle = 0
[docs]class Line(Shape):
def __init__(self, start_x: float, start_y: float, end_x: float,
end_y: float,
color: Color = GREEN,
width: float = 1):
super().__init__((start_x + end_x) / 2, (start_y + end_y) / 2, color)
self.start_x = start_x
self.start_y = start_y
self.end_x = end_x
self.end_y = end_y
self.color = color
self.width = width
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_line(self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y,
self.color, self.width)
[docs] def update(self):
self.start_x += self.change_x
self.start_y += self.change_y
self.end_x += self.change_x
self.end_y += self.change_y
[docs]class Arc(Shape):
def __init__(self, center_x: float, center_y: float, width: float,
height: float, color: Color=GREEN,
start_angle: float=0, end_angle: float=180,
border_width: float=0, tilt_angle: float=0):
super().__init__(center_x, center_y, color)
self.center_x = center_x
self.center_y = center_y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color = color
self.start_angle = start_angle
self.end_angle = end_angle
self.border_width = border_width
self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
self.change_tilt_angle = 0
self.change_start_angle = 0
self.change_end_angle = 0
[docs] def draw(self):
draw_arc_outline(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.width, self.height,
self.color, self.start_angle, self.end_angle,
self.border_width, self.tilt_angle)
[docs] def update(self):
self.center_x += self.change_x
self.center_y += self.change_y
self.tilt_angle += self.change_tilt_angle
self.start_angle += self.change_start_angle
self.end_angle += self.change_end_angle
[docs]def master_draw(shape_object: Shape):
[docs]def draw_all(shape_list: Iterable[Shape]):
for item in shape_list:
[docs]def update_all(shape_list: Iterable[Shape]):
for item in shape_list: