Installation on the MacΒΆ
- Go to the Python website and download the “Mac OS X 64-bit / 32-bit installer”. Find the file in your Download folder and double-click it to install
- All (most?) computers have a terminal window where a user can type commands and interact directly with the computer, without any windows or GUI applications popping up. To start the terminal, open Spotlight (Command + Space) and type “Terminal” (without the quotes), then press enter.
- Install virtualenv. This allows you to install Python packages without affecting the system-wide Python installation. Run the following command in your terminal.
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
- Use virtualenv to create a virtual environment specifically for your project by running the following command in your terminal.
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/arcade
- Activate the virtualenv you just created. (You may need to do this each time you open a new terminal window. It is possible to make the terminal do this for you each time you open a new window, but that is beyond the scope of these instructions.)
source ~/.virtualenvs/arcade/bin/activate
- Install the Python Arcade Library, by running the following command
pip install arcade
- Download the community edition of PyCharm for the Mac from the Jetbrains website. Double click on the file you downloaded to install it.
- Create a new project in PyCharm. Because the Mac often has multiple versions of Python installed on it, when creating a project make sure to select version 3.5.