Installation on the MacΒΆ

  1. Go to the Python website and download the “Mac OS X 64-bit / 32-bit installer”. Find the file in your Download folder and double-click it to install
  2. All (most?) computers have a terminal window where a user can type commands and interact directly with the computer, without any windows or GUI applications popping up. To start the terminal, open Spotlight (Command + Space) and type “Terminal” (without the quotes), then press enter.
  3. Install virtualenv. This allows you to install Python packages without affecting the system-wide Python installation. Run the following command in your terminal.

sudo pip3 install virtualenv

  1. Use virtualenv to create a virtual environment specifically for your project by running the following command in your terminal.

virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/arcade

  1. Activate the virtualenv you just created. (You may need to do this each time you open a new terminal window. It is possible to make the terminal do this for you each time you open a new window, but that is beyond the scope of these instructions.)

source ~/.virtualenvs/arcade/bin/activate

  1. Install the Python Arcade Library, by running the following command

pip install arcade

  1. Download the community edition of PyCharm for the Mac from the Jetbrains website. Double click on the file you downloaded to install it.
  2. Create a new project in PyCharm. Because the Mac often has multiple versions of Python installed on it, when creating a project make sure to select version 3.5.