Classes: Starting TemplateΒΆ

Starting Template for the Arcade Library from Paul Vincent Craven on Vimeo.

Starting Template

Once you have learned how to use classes, you can begin your program with this

A walk-through of this code is available at:
import arcade


class MyApplication(arcade.Window):
    Main application class.

    NOTE: Go ahead and delete the methods you don't need.
    If you do need a method, delete the 'pass' and replace it
    with your own code. Don't leave 'pass' in this program.

    def __init__(self, width, height):
        super().__init__(width, height)

        self.ball_x_position = BALL_RADIUS
        self.ball_x_pixels_per_second = 70


        # Note:
        # You can change how often the animate() method is called by using the
        # set_update_rate() method in the parent class.
        # The default is once every 1/80 of a second.
        # self.set_update_rate(1/80)

    def on_draw(self):
        Render the screen.

        # This command should happen before we start drawing. It will clear
        # the screen to the background color, and erase what we drew last frame.

        # Draw the circle
        arcade.draw_circle_filled(self.ball_x_position, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2,
                                  BALL_RADIUS, arcade.color.GREEN)

        # Draw the text
        arcade.draw_text("This is a simple template to start your game.",
                         10, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2, arcade.color.BLACK, 20)

    def animate(self, delta_time):
        All the logic to move, and the game logic goes here.
        # Move the ball
        self.ball_x_position += self.ball_x_pixels_per_second * delta_time

        # Did the ball hit the right side of the screen while moving right?
        if self.ball_x_position > SCREEN_WIDTH - BALL_RADIUS \
                and self.ball_x_pixels_per_second > 0:
            self.ball_x_pixels_per_second *= -1

        # Did the ball hit the left side of the screen while moving left?
        if self.ball_x_position < BALL_RADIUS \
                and self.ball_x_pixels_per_second < 0:
            self.ball_x_pixels_per_second *= -1

    def on_key_press(self, key, key_modifiers):
        Called whenever a key on the keyboard is pressed.

        For a full list of keys, see:

        # See if the user hit Shift-Space
        # (Key modifiers are in powers of two, so you can detect multiple
        # modifiers by using a bit-wise 'and'.)
        if key == arcade.key.SPACE and key_modifiers == arcade.key.MOD_SHIFT:
            print("You pressed shift-space")

        # See if the user just hit space.
        elif key == arcade.key.SPACE:
            print("You pressed the space bar.")

    def on_key_release(self, key, key_modifiers):
        Called whenever the user lets off a previously pressed key.
        if key == arcade.key.SPACE:
            print("You stopped pressing the space bar.")

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, delta_x, delta_y):
        Called whenever the mouse moves.

    def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
        Called when the user presses a mouse button.

    def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
        Called when a user releases a mouse button.

window = MyApplication(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)